Privacy Policy

Consumer Privacy Statement

At our dealership, we prioritize keeping your personal information private and secure. This privacy policy outlines how we use and protect your information. By accepting this form, you authorize our dealership to use your information to assist you in acquiring the products and services you seek. Please read this authorization and privacy statement carefully before accepting.

Information Collection

We gather information about you from various sources, including:

  • Personal Information Provided: Details you provide on applications or other forms, such as your name, address, driver's license number, employment history, income, telephone numbers, email addresses, and Social Security number.
  • Representations Made: Employment history, account balances, payment histories, and relationships with references you list.
  • Transaction Information: Details from your transactions with us, our affiliates, or business partners.
  • Credit Reports: Information from consumer credit reporting agencies to verify or add to the details you provide. These agencies may keep and share this information with others as permitted by federal and state Fair Credit Reporting laws.
  • Insurance Information: Confirmation of applicable insurance coverages from your agent or broker, required under an installment payment agreement.

Information Sharing

Our dealership does not sell or rent your information to others. However, to conduct our business and offer the products or services you may want, we may share your information within our company or affiliated companies. The law allows us to share your financial information solely for providing the products and services you seek from our dealership. We may also share your information with financial institutions we have contracts with to provide you financial products. We do not disclose your information to others unless allowed or required by law.

By signing this form, you authorize us to share your nonpublic personal information with affiliated and non-affiliated third parties that may offer products or services of value to you. You may opt out of this sharing to avoid receiving offers from third parties, but this may prevent you from receiving valuable products and services.

Information Protection

We maintain physical, administrative, procedural, and technical safeguards to protect your personal information from unauthorized access. Access is limited to those with a business need, and we expect our vendors, affiliates, and third parties to uphold high privacy standards and safeguard customer information.

If a security breach occurs, we will notify you as soon as we become aware of it. We comply with state laws providing more protection than federal law.


By acknowledging this statement, you accept the terms and conditions outlined in this privacy policy.